Forecasting for investors - Managing investors relations
Watch to learn how to forecast for and manage investors
Watch to learn how to forecast for and manage investors
If you need any specific assistance or have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact us or refer to some of the helpful information loaded here.
For all general business banker queries (including Digital Banking) - please call our Business Desk on 087 736 2247. Please note that the Business Desk has revised operating hours from 8am to 8pm from Monday to Sunday.
For queries and assistance relating to online banking - please call our Online Banking Desk on 087 575 0000.
For any queries relating to your merchant device, please contact the Merchant Services helpdesk on 087 575 0012 or send an email to Our operating hours are:
For any queries regarding your short-term insurance policy, contact your Broker or your dedicated Service Broker directly via phone or email.
For Travel Insurance related queries and claims please email the Travel Insurance Helpdesk on
Should you require any assistance or have any queries, please contact Fleet Services at:
Or contact your dedicated Fleet Relationship Manager. At this time, we also urge you to make use of our Self-Service platform to do your necessary card administration.
Foreign Exchange for Business is fully operational for all your global payment and receipt requirements. Please contact your Business Development Manager or our eSolutions team to provide any assistance on all foreign exchange related transactions. Our global payments platform is also available via your online banking profile where you have the ability to book a deal and secure your exchange rate at the time of capturing your payment
Should you require any further assistance, contact 08601 36739 or email Operating hours are:
Remember our global payments platform is available via your online banking profile where you have the ability to book a deal and secure your exchange rate at the time of capturing your payment.
For any PayPal queries, contact us on 087 572 9725:
Operating hours are: