Two-pot retirement system
As of 1 September 2024, retirement fund members can withdraw a portion of their retirement funds.
As of 1 September 2024, retirement fund members can withdraw a portion of their retirement funds.
This system can be very helpful in time of need, but members need to consider the long-term financial impact of withdrawing from their retirement savings. From 1 September 2024, the South African retirement system will consist of 3 pots. For more information on the pots, read below:
Refers to the value of your retirement fund plus growth, before the implementation of the two-pot system.
This is one third of all contributions plus growth. Members can access this before retirement.
The remaining two thirds, plus growth, will be used to fund the member's income in retirement through an annuity.
The two-pot system allows for more flexibility in accessing funds from the savings pot, but saving for the future is crucial.
Will kick-start from existing retirement savings (seed capital) and can be accessed before retirement. Only one withdrawal is allowed per tax year subject to a minimum amount of R2 000. You will be taxed at your marginal tax rate on the amount withdrawn. The amount paid to you will be after tax on the withdrawal and less any tax owing to SARS.
No withdrawals are allowed before retirement. Your retirement pot must be used to provide a retirement income after you retire. The exception to this rule is where all your retirement savings in the same retirement fund are below a minimum amount (de minimis amount) set by SARS.
Accumulated savings in your retirement fund as at 31 August 2024 less the seeding capital that will kick-start your savings pot. 10% seeding capital of your balance will be moved into your savings pot. This value is limited to a maximum of R30 000.
The new rules that apply to the savings pot and retirement pot will not apply to the vested pot. The rules that apply to retirement funds prior to 1 September 2024 will continue to apply to your vested pot.