Flexi Fixed Deposit
Maximum effective interest rate over 12 months
Minimum opening balance of R100
An investment account with a fixed term, while giving you access to a portion of your money, within 24 hours
What's hot

Guaranteed capital
No risk of losing your original deposit or quoted returns

Two withdrawals of up to 15% of your invested capital are allowed during the investment terme

Add money
Add money at any time, from anywhere

Linked interest
Your interest is linked to the prime lending rate
What you get

Third-party payments
Payments to third parties are allowed

It's free
There are no monthly fees

Invest eBucks
Invest your eBucks into your 12 month Flexi Fixed Deposit

Interest rate linked to the prime lending rate

You choose
Choose between a 3 or 12 month investment term

Add to your eBucks reward level points