Revolving Loan
Get a facility that helps you manage your cash flow and budget
A rolling facility that is linked to your active FNB Cheque / transactional account which gives access to funding 24/7 without having to reapply for a facility for every expense.
What's hot

Funds can be easily accessed at any time
If you have paid 15% of your Revolving Loan you can simply transfer money to your Cheque Account using any digital channel, 24/7

Flexibility and control of how much you owe
You have the option to repay the facility faster and save on interest, but still have access to the funds when you need it (if you have paid back 15%)

Monthly Repayments never change
Even when using more of your facility or the interest rate changes, making it easier for you to budget

One facility
No need for multiple store cards and loans, manage your cash flow by having one facility for all your purchases that you want to pay back over time

Pay for purchases over time
Pay for the things you need now, over time ,helping you manage your cash flow

Optional Debt Protection
In case of your death, permanent disability, unemployment/inability to earn an income or temporary disability
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