Ask lots of questions and look out for a variety of things when viewing a prospective ECD centre for your child. This is one of the most important decisions you will need to make for your child and your family. Visit a few centres, list them in preference order, and visit your favourites again. Then make your choice.
Be specific and upfront about your needs. Half/full day? Part/full-time? Desired start date?
Does your child have any allergies or any medical or special needs?
Is the ECD centre academic or play-based? You want play-based.
What is the owner and ECD centre's history? Personal setting or a corporate entity? Staff turnover? Long-term growth plan? Management approach? Open-door policy?
See how the staff are interacting with the children. Do they merely oversee or are they actively engaging with the children in a loving manner?
Are the children happy, content and at home?
How do they settle a child that is new and settling, or is not new, but is unsettled?
What is the child behaviour management policy? What is their anti-bullying policy?
What would the ECD centre do in a medical emergency situation?
Are the little ones happy and engaged in their play and learning? Is it teacher or child-led?
What kind of indoor and outdoor resources and play equipment are there for the children?
On a typical day how much time do children spend outside? Sun care policy?
What are the security measures? Locked gates? CCTV? Child collection policy by a non-parent? Emergency contacts? Who is allowed on the ECD centre property?
Is the ECD centre clean?
Is there public liability insurance?
When is the ECD centre open/closed? Hours and holidays.
Meal and nutrition info. Does their cook have Food Hygiene and Safe Handling training? Do they prepare allergy meals? Do they value parental choice - where you might not want your child to eat a specific food due to cultural/religious reasons?
What education curriculum is followed and how is it implemented? How do the teachers ensure all areas of learning are covered developmentally?
What pedagogy influence is there? (E.g. Montessori/Waldorf/Reggio Emilia)
Is there anything special that they do that makes them stand out from other ECD centres? E.g. Eco-friendly? Parent career visits? Outings? Parent and grandparent involvement?
What languages are spoken and taught?
Are there any extra paid lessons like ballet/music/soccer etc. or are these included in the monthly fees?
What are the monthly fees? Do you pay if your child is off sick or on holiday? Do you pay if the ECD centre is closed?
How inclusive are they with diverse families? Special needs admittance?
Do all staff have First Aid, CPR training and clear police checks? Do the staff have Form 30s? (To show they aren't on the Child Sex Offender Register)
What are the staff qualifications and educational experience? Is training supplied by the ECD centre?
What is the staff to child ratio for various ages?
What daily feedback do you receive? How is it communicated?
What are the childhood illness and infection control policies in place?
How do weaning and toilet training work?
How do they deal with a child that is biting?
Are they registered with the DBE (Dept of Basic Education), Town Planning (have the correct zoning or consent used to operate an ECD centre) and Environmental Health etc? Has the fire dept been out to inspect? (many ECD centres are unable to register due to current municipal by-laws, which is important to realise)
What is your gut feeling?
You might feel that not all these questions are relevant for you and your family, take those from the list which you deem important, and remember to ask them when you're visiting prospective ECD centres. All the best with this important decision.