In the past month, the South African Government, business community, philanthropists and society at large have shown remarkable unity in a joint effort to protect our country against the impact of COVID-19.
Working in unison with stakeholders, National Government made a prudent decision to invoke an extended national lockdown. As part of this decision, Government assured the country that essential banking services will remain available and this was reiterated by the Banking Association of South Africa (BASA).
As a financial services provider and corporate citizen, this is a responsibility we do not take for granted. Our aim is to ensure that our clients can continue keeping their financial affairs in order through multiple market-leading digital channels that provide clients the ability to manage their day-to-day-banking, investing, credit and insurance needs.
Our aim is to ensure that all our clients can continue keeping their financial affairs in order through this uncertain time.
We are living in uncertain times, facing unfamiliar challenges and having to do things we've never done. As we manage our way, you might be asking 'how do I make ends meet?', 'what happens next?', 'how can I ensure my family is protected whilst I change or optimise the way I manage my money?', 'what are the next financial moves that I should be making?', and 'what are some of the things that I can be doing better with my money?'
This uncertain time also brings the opportunity to look after your health, and that of others, spend quality time with your loved ones, and also have a look at your financial position and see where you can make changes - big or small - to manage your money better. The extended lockdown, and the period after, is a great opportunity to develop good habits with your money - for example maintaining not being enticed by unconscious spend on non-essential items and limiting your entertainment spend. Use this time to re-assess; explore what you value and how you can apply that to your financial life. We have a few practical tips to share to help you get started on keeping your financial affairs in order during this uncertain time, and beyond.