There are about 6.5 million children in South Africa under the age of six years.
Approximately 2.3 million children are in ECD provision of some sort (35%).
There are 180,000 - 250,000 adults, mostly women, working at ECD centres and early learning programmes.
The ECD subsidy is R17 per child per day for 264 days with a means test. The means test: If a single parent earns more than R3,800 per month, or the joint family earns more than R7,600 per month, they are disqualified from receiving the subsidy. Subsidies are paid per capita and day of attendance, not per centre. Less than a quarter of registered ECD centres qualify to receive the subsidy.
The ECD Census reveals that 42% of ECD programmes are not registered with the Department of Social Development (the department responsible for registration at the time). For many ECD centres, it is impossible to register, the main registration issues being land use and finance.
In KwaZulu Natal, there are 3,000 unqualified teachers teaching Grade R. This number is much higher nationally.
Around 30% of South African children are suffering from long-term malnutrition. This leads to stunting. This is 100% preventable and practically irreversible. Inadequate/no nutrition programme for children in quintiles 1, 2 and 3.
The ECD stimulus package: R1.3 billion was allocated to the ECD sector by the President in October 2020. R496 million was made available to the ECD sector through the Presidential Employment Stimulus Package as income support to workers who had been financially battered by the lockdown. A once-off payment of R4,186 was allocated to each worker who qualified.
In April 2022 the DSD (Department of Social Development) handed over the ECD Sector portfolio to the DBE (Department of Basic Education), headed by the Honourable Minister Angie Motshekga.
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